Your source for wall tents canvas tents glamping tents boat covers bimini tops tarps outdoor gear hunting gear horse gear awnings and custom manufacturing.
Canvas wall tent with awning.
Frank monner moved the business from it s location in portland to it s current home in salem in 1925.
Our flagship canvas wall tent the colorado wall tent is a tried and true descendant of our classic woodsman tent.
Our gallatin wall tent can be customized in various ways to meet your specific needs.
Since its founding in 1890 salem tent awning company has been owned and operated in oregon by three generations of the same family.
Fly our montana canvas tent fly s come in two different options you can choose from a lighter weight 250d relite tan polyester or a heavier duty pvc tan vinyl they both extend 18 off.
Ernest ran the business until 1976 when it was.
Plenty of room for you and your gear.
Shop durable wall tents and custom winter tents for hunters and outfitters alike.
From your backyard to the back country we design state of the art canvas and synthetic fabric products to make your outings perfect in every aspect.
Laminated white vinyl and featuring a 5 x 5 cutout for stove placement are a great addition to any wall tent.
Reliable invites you to look through the styles of canvas wall tent that we offer.
High quality cotton canvas mean a cost effective dependable wall tent.
Welcome to big sky canvas.
Wall tent add on options optional stove pipe ring with flap 6 10 00 reinforced ridge with open ends 64 00 zipper in canvas door 80 00 net screen door with zipper 170 00 standard tie flap door in back of tent 55 00 additional screen window with zipper canvas flap please indicate location below 55 00.
Thunder mountain tent and canvas specializes in customizing our tents boat covers and enclosures golf cart enclosures bags and backpacks to fit our customers needs.
Our tent floors constructed using 10 oz.
The colorado wall tent is a favorite for hunting outfitting and anyone wanting a reliable and comfortable base camp.
Your davis tent will come from a lineage of outfitter proven weather tested just like home tents that are handmade with the same quality and pride we have put into all of our products since 1955.
We have been trusted by our customers for over 40 years to produce the highest quality generational products.
We understand that a davis canvas wall tent could be used by you on hunts of a lifetime creating lifelong memories with family and friends scenarios of survival or the cornerstone of your.
The colorado wall tent has evolved over the years from hundreds of suggestions from professional outfitters and.