Your hair will stick to the rubber and tear away when you remove the band.
Can rubber bands damage your hair.
In the winter try to stretch the time between touch ups to every 8 to 10 weeks or longer.
Contrary to common belief rubber bands won t help your hair grow any faster.
At least someone would get some enjoyment out of it.
Have only one service a coloring relaxer or perm.
Curly hair and rubber bands don t go together.
Anyhow if you want to rip and break your hair i will do it for you.
Having shiny and strong hair is very important but harsh chemicals can damage it.
Do not use bare rubber bands on your hair.
Do not wash your hair daily.
Studies have shown that there is a strong connection between traction alopecia and certain hairstyles held for a long amount of time.
Preventing breakage and damage to your hair can start by finding ties that don t damage your hair.
Sure they hold that hair back tight but then again you can read here why you should not be pulling your hair tight.
We really hope we re not saying anything our audience didn t already know but if we can save anyone a little grief with a few tips on how to remove rubber bands without damage to your curls it s worth it to make the statement.
Dying your hair can cause hair damage.
Rubber bands are bad for your hair and you should take them out after 1 to 2 days to avoid further damage.
Coloring perming or relaxing your hair.
Changes that can help prevent hair damage.
There are methods to take to avoid damaging your hair even if you have bleached or permed it.
Rubber bands will pull and rip your hair in no time flat.
Try to add more time between touch ups especially when the air is dry.