Talk to your doctor about whether you.
Can i wear a waist cincher after c section.
But i much prefer those rather than spanx.
That is where your incision opens because of fluid build up behind it.
A waist trainer is the modern day corset.
Just like they help a woman recover after a c section compression garments or abdominal binders can help a woman speed.
No worry it can be worn as a normal body shaper but it s great also after c section surgery or after having a tummy tuck liposuction as well.
So the benefits are not just limited to your belly.
You can fit into your pre pregnancy clothes without a worry.
Your waist trainer should feel tight but not painful.
You can walk in your old shoes with proper support to your back.
After 7 days of labor if the new mother needs to do strenuous activities or get back to work early new mothers can also wear a postpartum girdlefor a short time but you should let your waist and abdomen relax for a while after wearing it for an hour or two.
Yes abdominal binders designed explicitly for the postpartum woman s body are safe to wear after pregnancy if used correctly.
With the right product you will see a clear improvement in your posture and an immediate difference in the appearance.
Break in the cincher before wearing it under clothing by wearing it for about two hours for at least three days before taking it out.
According to some product descriptions a c section postpartum belt may strengthen the abdominal muscles help heal your c section scar and prevent infection.
It s worn around your midsection to create the illusion that you have an hourglass figure.
I had a c section followed by a hemotoma at 4 weeks post pardem.
You should wait until after the 6 week ok check up.
According to the nhs it can take up to 8 weeks to fully recover.
After giving birth if you have to go back to work right away you have to make sure that your binder will not be noticeable and bulky.
A recommendation from a close friend is also reliable.
If the cincher is not seamless you can wear some shapewear that covers the cincher to help in smoothing it.
This makes it much easier and faster to wear the corset or waist cincher.
There are ways that you can speed up your recovery and that is one of the benefits of compression garments.
Waist training after c section is safe as long as you are using the right product made of high quality hypoallergenic material.
Mom wearing the control vest waist trainer in black tips for waist training safely post pregnancy.