This paint dries really quickly so that helped speed up the process if you are using a more traditional paint be sure to let it fully cure between coats to insure the safety of the baby and the paint s voc s.
Can i paint a crib with regular paint.
Yes you can paint any baby crib cot or bassinet with almost no exceptions.
In most cases this can be a safe practice if you follow certain guidelines for crib material paint selection and ventilation.
If you follow the right steps as described below you can easily and quickly apply a new color to your baby crib.
It s not uncommon that new parents sometimes inherit or are being gifted second hand baby cribs given to them by friends or family members who don t need the baby crib any more.
I m here to tell you that painting your crib can be done and is totally safe when you use our paints.
Once the final coat is dry the piece can be put into use and the baby can occupy the crib room.
This paint is pretty thick and goes on nicely depending on your crib style you might only need one coat i did two.
I m here to walk you through the steps.
I m about to go into a lot of detail about which crib we bought and why and the same for the mattress but if you want to skip right to the painting steps scroll down to step 1.
Best results will come from using a good quality 100 nylon bristle brush many people make the mistake of buying the best grade of paint they can afford and then using a cheap brush to apply it.
This led me to discover that milk paint an old fashioned paint recipe has been revived by another company called milk paint that will ship you the powder which you mix with water to create the paint.