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California closets boise.
Garage cabinets store away all of your outdoor gear tools or seasonal holiday decorations baskets provide an effortless way to keep balls helmets and more from running off into the street.
Let us help you find exactly what you are looking for.
Closet systems for the entire home.
Even simple additions like a cabinet designed for clothes baskets a corner cabinet for laundry detergent and dryer sheets and a hanging rod to dry clothes can completely change the way you wash dry fold and how you feel about laundry day.
We offer a wide variety of closet organizer options to make sure there s a special place for all of your items.
A pioneer in custom closets and home storage for idaho since 2005 california closets boise has more than 10 years of experience in creating innovative designs and increasing the storage possibilities of every type of home in the greater boise area.
Closet organization in boise it doesn t matter how clean you are keeping a closet organized and functional is no easy feat.
Boise closet systems expert closet systems in boise whether you need a closet rehaul or your garage needs love when it comes to storage california closets of boise will work with you one on one to design and build a custom closet or storage system that works for your budget style and needs.
That s why it s best to leave it to the professionals at california closets of boise.
California closets is located at 4464 w chinden blvd ste e in boise id ada county and is a business specialized in garages california closets is listed in the categories storage closet equipment supplies materials organizing products services garages building repairing garage organizers office equipment supplies furniture carports furniture office.
The inspired closets boise team loves turning disorganized stressful laundry rooms into organized inspired ones.
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Here are just a few simple ways to make garage storage easier with the help of california closets of boise.